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Future AI Builders Hackathon 2023

🤔 Feeling the FOMO from the recent hype around AI and LLM?

👉🏻 Don't miss your chance to participate and build something amazing!

🎁 Top Projects will receive grants and be referred to various incubators!

Apply Now to Secure Your Seat:

Devfolio Link:

Future AI Builder Hackathon 2023 | Devfolio

Eventbrite Link: Opening

Future AI Builder Hackathon 2023 Kick Off

Eventbrite Link: Demo Day

Future AI Builder Hackathon 2023 Demo Day

Team Formation Session: ⏰June 28th & July 5th, 2023

Kick-Off Event: ⏰July 7th, 2023

Demo Day: ⏰July 9th 2023

Location: Husky Union Building 160 Lyceum; 4001 E Stevens Way NE, Seattle, WA 98195

🚗 Parking: Central Plaza Garage

We are also taking online submissions, all online submissions must include a pre-recorded 3min pitch+demo to be considered for prize and grants.

Themes & Tracks

Generative AI

Text, Image, Audio, Video, Code... So much can be created by AI models now. What can you leverage from current models and tools to generate? Cross-modal generation is also encouraged.


Take a pre-trained machine learning model and train it on a specific task.  Maybe take a pre-trained language model and fine-tune it to write poetry, or take a pre-trained image recognition model and fine-tune it to identify specific types of birds.

Decentralized AI

Explore the intersection of AI and blockchain. Perhaps create a decentralized marketplace for AI models or develop a system that uses AI to predict cryptocurrency prices and execute trades on a decentralized exchange. We would love to see what AI + web3 could accomplish!

AI in Applications

From education and manufacturing to healthcare, which industries could the LLM model revolutionize?


Other AI-related projects are also welcome. We can't wait to see your innovative ideas!


Partners & Sponsors